Saturday, July 07, 2012


Messrs drake and hedgehog know grammar’s not for them
They fuse to be the Dredgehog, God knows how and when
The stork does call out to the turtle, “This is lots of fun
The fine Stortle guise of ours must be the greatest one”
The lizard with a parrot’s head had own reasons to brood
It hates to quit its feed of bugs and shift to fiery food
The goat did look wary with some mischief up his hooves
Astride on the scorpion, now head with body grooves
The giraffe is too fed up now of being a meadow lopper
Wants to take a flight with the wings of a grasshopper
The cow does wonder, “Am I also stricken with the flu?
My hind limbs like a rooster wants to cock-a-doodle-doo”
The Whalloth is in a terrible fix, the whale’s all for seas
The mammoth wants to have a run in the jungle breeze
The lion wanted antlers, that his distress was so great
Now the antlers grow in style with the deer as his mate

Translation from Sukumar Ray's original