Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Sunset across the seven hills
Mindless whispers
Laughter and games
Simplicity personified
Times that are now lost
In worn yellow pages
Of a forgotten diary
Friendships grown and
Faded into oblivion
Faint colours on a painted canvas
Songs begotten
In a cherished silence
And then lost in chaos
The complexities that
Surround us make way
For more bitterness
Yet, truth still prevails
Among the lush green
Meadows of the Himachal hills
Among the ruins of
Rajput forts and the tales they tell
We only have to look once
With those awestruck eyes
That we were born with
And seen the world as
Infants those fine old days…

Monday, November 21, 2011


A quiet quaintness surrounds
The single stone-walled
Mansion here
Hillocks rolling over
Into a wilderness that never
Forgets to remind you
All that lies beyond
And all that you will never know
A sudden solitude engulfs
The quaintness that vows to kill
All that is remembered
In the snow uphill
And the drops of red
On the whiteness glow
Whence the tale unfolds
The battle ensues
Wondering where to go…