Streaks of vermillion shine on the persistent waves that roll in and roll out off the rocky edges of the cliff. The sun savors the beauty of the last few moments before sinking into its night long slumber. The lonely lighthouse at the small islet comes alive slowly for its rendezvous with the night. In another hour a dark pall will descend over this little sea-side village as a melancholy song will rise out of the dimly lit corner of a shanty bar. Fisherwomen and men will converge at the bar after a long day’s work putting their children off to sleep, to drown their fatigue in mugs of country liquor. The bar girl will sing songs of yesteryears to the strumming of a worn out guitar. And the old grey haired man in a fancy hat at the counter will listen to his customers’ woes while serving them drinks. The village welcomes the night without complaints……yet again.